
2021年11月8日—Tamron'sVXDfocusmotorisexcellent;itrevivalsthehighendlinearmotorsfoundintheSonyG-Masterseries,andfocusreliabilityisjust ...,2018年10月27日—Closefocus.TheTamron2.8/28-75hasveryniceclosefocuscapabilitieswith1:2.9magnificationat28mmand1:4magnificationat75mm.,2021年12月15日—8DiIIIG2isverygood(measured99.1%inReikanFoCal)withnooutliersoveraseriesof40shotsonthewelllitandcontrastyfocuste...

Tamron 28

2021年11月8日 — Tamron's VXD focus motor is excellent; it revivals the high end linear motors found in the Sony G-Master series, and focus reliability is just ...

Long Term Review: Tamron 28

2018年10月27日 — Close focus. The Tamron 2.8/28-75 has very nice close focus capabilities with 1:2.9 magnification at 28mm and 1:4 magnification at 75mm.

Tamron 28

2021年12月15日 — 8 Di III G2 is very good (measured 99.1% in Reikan FoCal) with no outliers over a series of 40 shots on the well lit and contrasty focus test ...

Dan's choice: Tamron 28

2018年12月24日 — At $800, the 28-75mm F2.8 isn't exactly cheap, but it does offer a-single-lens-solution to new E-mount customers and is a great companion to ...

Tamron 28

At 75mm, central sharpness is excellent from f/2.8 to f/8, very good at f/11 and f/16 and good at f/22. The edges are good from f/2.8 to f/5.6, very good at f/8 ...

Tamron 28

2022年1月18日 — Versatile Handling and Quick Autofocus. The 28-75mm F2.8 balances well on full-frame bodies and is lighter than 24-70mm f/2.8 alternatives. It's ...

Tamron AF 28

The Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 XR Di Lens is a relatively small normal zoom lens that delivers good image quality and a wide fixed f/2.8 aperture for a low cost.